Sunday, August 26, 2007


I am reading Philip Yancey's book 'Prayer: Does it make any difference?' Every page is loaded with interesting and thoughtful observations, so I am having to read it in short doses, so that I can absorb it. Today I read some of his observations on the difficulty of praying (p153):

Prayer remains a struggle for me. On the other hand, so does forgiving someone who has wronged me. So does loving a neighbour. So does caring for the needy, I persist because I am fulfilling God's command, and also because I believe I am doing what is best for me whether or not I feel like it at the time. Moreover, I believe that my perseverance, in some unfathomable way, brings pleasure to God. We must always pray, and not give up, Jesus taught. . . . . .
I appreciate prayer mostly in retrospect. The process itself feels like work. I look for ways to avoid it, and keep glancing at the clock as I'm praying. During the day, however, thoughts and impressions come to mind that stem directly from my prayers. I am far more likely to view events that occur and people I encounter from God's point of view. Like a lingering scent, prayer carries over into the rest of the day.

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