Monday, November 20, 2023

Neston's link with the Covid vaccine

The origins of your covid jab can be traced back to our home in Neston!..... Read on…….
Edward Holmes (born 1965) spent his earliest years at 46 Greenhill, Neston (we bought the house from his parents in 1973) and his earliest education was at Neston School. 
Now living in Australia, Prof Edward Holmes of the University of Sydney has won the prime minister’s prize for science, worth $250,000, for his “transformative role in the scientific response to Covid-19”. The role played by Prof Holmes in the COVID pandemic is already the stuff of legend. His decision to tweet the genome of SARS-CoV-2 on January 11 2020, making the data freely available to everyone, sparked urgent work in labs around the world to develop a test and a vaccine. Within days, the first diagnostic tests were available, and that weekend, scientists at Moderna and Pfizer are reported to have downloaded the genome and set to work on their mRNA vaccines, bringing a new technology to medicine in record time.  

If you type Prof Edward Holmes or Prof Eddie Holmes into a search engine you see that there are several articles about him and several youtube videos.


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